We Provide

The business primarily provides services of software, report development and maintenance. We provide these services using consultants with superior business knowledge and highest quality.

We provide high quality services in the following areas:

Data Warehousing
ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) using tools AbInitio, Informatica.
Data Modeling using Erwin.
Business Intelligence Reporting solutions using Cognos, Micro Strategy.

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Our Services include

Business Model

Production and ongoing support to the various software/business packages, which these companies are using to run the day-to-day business.

Business Intelligencel

We also provide consulting services to the small businesses where they cannot afford full time employees. We provide the following solutions to these businesses


We also provide consulting services to the small businesses where they cannot afford full time employees


Production and ongoing support to the various software/business packages, which these companies are using to run the day-to-day business.


Production and ongoing support to the various software/business packages, which these companies are using to run the day-to-day business.


Dsr-tek Consultants offers a comprehensive portfolio of technical training enabling individuals to acquire, maintain and optimize their IT skills.

We also Provide

We also provide consulting services to the small businesses where they cannot afford full time employees. We provide the following solutions to these businesses:

Production and ongoing support to the various software/business packages, which these companies are using to run the day-to-day business. Create customized reporting solutions to these businesses by interacting with the specialized packages to help Business make better decisions to increase sales and work efficiently. Since most of the Small Business does their Data related work manually due to lack of software resources, we can help by providing small software modules to help reduce the manual work on the data keeping side.

Hardware/Helpdesk support to the existing infrastructure to run the business smoothly.
